Good morning Everyone. TGIF 🤽🏊🚴
Let's continue from our Topic Understanding and Managing Anger in Children
*How Children Express Anger*
Children express anger in various ways, and the manifestation may change with age and personality. Some common expressions of anger in children include:
Tantrums: Young children, especially toddlers, often throw tantrums when they can't have what they want or when they feel overwhelmed.
Aggression: Aggressive behaviors like hitting, kicking, biting, or yelling are common ways for children to release their anger.
Withdrawal: Some children might withdraw and become silent when they are angry, bottling up their emotions.
Defiance: Older children might display anger through defiance, arguing, and disobeying rules.
Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Children may also use passive-aggressive tactics like sulking, giving the silent treatment, or indirectly expressing their anger.
I hope parents and caregivers are reading this.
See you next week. Have a fantastic Weekend.
-Nelsonugo ✌️